迷你对话学口语 第1课:能力与技能-5
A: He has a real skill when it comes to diplomacy.
B: Do you know what his technique is that makes him so skilled?
A: It’s a natural gift. He just knows how to deal with people effectively.
B: I have seen him network at social events and he does seem to have a certain flair for dealing with all types of people.
A: 他这个人处理人际关系很有一套。
B: 你知道他这样游刃有余到底用的是什么技巧呢?
A: 那是一种天赋,他就是知道如何有效地语言与人交往。
B: 我曾经见过他在聚会上四处建立联系,他的确具备与各种人打交道的天赋。