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迷你对话学口语 第1课:能力与技能-9




A: I really want to get to know John, but I can never start a conversation. Do you know what he’s into?
B: I think his thing is race cars. He is always talking about them. And, he knows his way around a race track.
A: He does seem to know what it’s all about.
B: I think racing is boring, but that’s his thing, not mine!

A: 我很想认识John,但是却不知道一开始该跟他谈些什么。你知道他对什么感兴趣吗?
B: 他好像最喜欢赛车。他常谈起赛车,而且凡是和赛车有关的事他好像都知道。
A: 他好像对赛车方面很在行。
B: 我觉得赛车很没劲,那是他的玩意儿,我可不喜欢!