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迷你对话学口语 第6课:丑陋的 - 6


第6课:丑陋的 - 6


A: Isn’t this the ugliest picture you’ve ever seen?
B: The girl in it certainly is ugly; she has a face that would stop a clock!

A: 这是不是你见过的最难看的照片?
B: 里面的那个女孩是够丑的,那张脸丑得连挂钟都会停摆。


A: That boy is such a dog. He has a face that only a mother could love.
B: Then why is she dating him?
A: He is really rich and buys her lots of presents.

A: 那个男孩长得真难看,也就他妈才能受得了他的那个长相。
B: 那她还和他约会?
A: 他特有钱,老给她买礼物。