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迷你对话学口语 第7课:快乐的 - 5



第7课:快乐的 - 5


A: I am so glad to be blessed with all these gifts but are you sure you can afford them?
B: Don’t be silly! On such a joyous occasion we should not worry about money. Such a buoyant atmosphere should not be spoiled by such thoughts. Just enjoy yourself.
A: I am really glad to have a partner like you.
B: Yes, our years together have been delightful.

A: 能有福分收到这些礼物真让我开心死了,可你破费得起吗?
B: 瞧你说的!这种快乐的场合不该对钱叩门的。别让这样的想法扫了我们的兴。自己开心就行了。
A: 有你这样的搭档真开心。
B: 是啊,我们在一起的这些年真令人愉快。