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迷你对话学口语 第8课:悲伤的 - 2



第8课:悲伤的 - 2


A: Doctor, I feel so depressed. Nothing seems to make me happy anymore.
B: Feelings of melancholy are quite common with young people these days. You needs to spend more time outdoors enjoying yourself.
A: Honestly I feel miserable. The world seems so desolate and uncaring.
B: No need to be so distressed. There are many things for you to be happy about. After all you are still young and free!

A: 大夫,我觉得很沮丧。好像再也没什么能让我高兴起来似的。
B: 现在的年轻人很容易感到忧虑。你应该多花点时间去户外放松放松。
A: 说实话我感觉痛苦极了。周围的一切看上去那么冷漠,没有人关心我。
B: 没有必要痛苦不堪。有许多值得你快乐的事情。毕竟你还年轻、自由啊!