迷你对话学口语 第8课:悲伤的 - 5
第8课:悲伤的 - 5
A: I think it is woeful that somebody so young had to experience such an unhappy life.
B: I am full of melancholy for this child who never really had a chance in life.
A: Funerals are always joyless. Especially one as somber as this.
B: It certainly is a gloomy day. Just look at his heartsick father.
A: 年纪轻轻就遭遇了这么不幸的事情,真是悲惨。
B: 我真为这孩子感到悲哀。他连生活中的好日子还没过呢。
A: 葬礼本来就不是什么高兴的事,更何况是这样一个令人黯然神伤的葬礼。
B: 真是个忧伤的日子,看看那悲痛欲绝的父亲就知道了。