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迷你对话学口语 第11课 不感兴趣的 - 6



第11课:不感兴趣的 - 6


A: Did you hear about the rich matron that lay languid in the sun all day?
B: Yes, I heard she did nothing but bake herself and she barely moved or spoke to anyone.

A: 听说过那个贵妇人没有?她整天没精打采地躺在太阳底下。
B: 听说了,她除了晒太阳什么都不做,动也不动,谁也不搭理。


A: I am so weary of coming here every day; it is such a waste of my time.
B: I agree with you. We should really cancel this study group; it is so boring.

A: 每天来这里,我都烦死了,真是浪费时间。
B: 我看也是。咱们应该取消这个学习小组,太没劲了。