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迷你对话学口语 第12课 重要的 - 3



第12课:重要的 - 3


A: Students, I am placing a weighty problem before you.
B: Professor, can you break down the problem for us, so that we can see what the primary factors are? Then we will be able to focus on what is essential in our essays.
A: I’d be happy to point out the significant factors for you, but your own ideas will be decisive factor in determining how good your essay is.
B: I am sure our essays will put forward some substantial ideas about this problem. I wouldn’t be surprised if you found some of our ideas outstanding.

A: 同学们,我现在要给你们提出一个重大的问题。
B: 教授,您能把问题给我们拆解一下,好让我们明白哪些是重要因素吗?这样我们就能在论文中集中探讨主要的方面。
A: 我很乐意给你们指出重要因素,但是你们自己的观点才是决定你们论文好坏的关键。
B: 我相信我们的论文会就这个问题提出一些有价值的观点。极有可能的是,你会发现我们的一些观点真的很棒!