迷你对话学口语 第20课 勇敢的 - 2
第20课:勇敢的 - 2
A: The youth of today are so venturous; I wonder whether they’ll ever settle down.
B: John, there is nothing wrong with being adventuresome at their age. In fact, I quite admire them.
A: I just wonder sometimes if we were that reckless.
A: 现在的年轻人都这么胆大妄为,不知他们什么时候才能够安分点。
B: John,他们这个年龄敢于冒险没什么不好。事实上,我非常欣赏他们。
A: 我有时候在想,我们以前是不是也像他们那样鲁莽。