迷你对话学口语 第20课 勇敢的 - 15
第20课:勇敢的 - 15
A: Were you scared when you were left all alone on the mountain?
B: No, I’m not a fraidy cat.
A: 你一个人被丢在山上害怕了吗
B: 没有。我可不是胆小鬼。
A: Did you see how that fighter pilot flew right between those enemy planes and shot down the leader?
B: Yeah, the pilot must have had ice in his veins.
A: 你看到那个战斗机驾驶员飞行于两架敌机之间,然后击落长机了吗?
B: 看到了。那个驾驶员可真够沉着冷静。