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迷你对话学口语 第21课 怯懦的 - 12



第21课:怯懦的 - 12


A: Did you hear that the sheriff had a great chance to catch some bank robbers? But when the bank robbers turned around to surrender, the sheriff ran away!
B: Yeah, I always knew he was yellow.

A: 你听说了吗?本县的警长本来是很有机会抓到银行抢劫犯的。可是当劫犯们转身准备投降的时候,警长竟然跑掉了。
B: 我早就知道他一点儿都不勇敢。


A: I never studied for Mrs. Cameron’s class before, but now I am staying up late every night, reading the textbook and going over my lecture notes.
B: Me, too. Ever since she told us about the midterm, she’s got us running scared.

A: Cameron老师的课我以前从来不复习,可现在每晚都熬夜,看课本,复习课堂笔记。
B: 我也是。自从她说要期中考试,搞得我们都战战兢兢的。