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迷你对话学口语 第21课 怯懦的 - 16



第21课:怯懦的 - 16


A: Why didn’t you go to have your acupuncture treatment?
B: I wanted to, but I kept thinking about those needles and I chickened out.

A: 你为什么没去做针灸?
B: 本来我想去,但一想到那些针,我就打退堂鼓了。


A: I’m afraid to walk home from school. Mark is always talking about how he can beat up any guy in our class.
B: Oh, don’t worry about him; he has a yellow streak. If you face him, he’ll back down.

A: 我害怕从学校走回家去。Mark总是说班上的人他想揍谁就揍谁。
B: 哦,不要怕他,他外强中干。如果你敢于面对他,他就会退缩的。