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迷你对话学口语 第22课 诚实正直的 - 13



第22课:诚实正直的 - 13


A: Man! The teacher almost flipped her lip about that busted window. Thank goodness Tommie’s got a reputation as an upfront, true blue kind of guy!
B: If he hadn’t leveled with her we’d all be in a world of hurt!
A: He laid it on the line and told her we were all heaving snowballs and plain didn’t know who hit the window. He apologized.
B: Owing to his telling it like it is and his own clean nose she let us off the hook.

A: 天哪!打破窗户的事差点没把老师气炸了。谢天谢地,幸亏大家都知道Tommie是个老实的好孩子。
B: 要不是他和老师坦白,我们就惨了。
A: 他坦率地告诉老师说我们当时都在打雪仗,真的不知道是谁打碎了窗玻璃,还道了歉。
B: 要不是他坦白,从不惹事生非,老师是不会放过我们的。