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迷你对话学口语 第22课 诚实正直的 - 18



第22课:诚实正直的 - 18


A: I can’t believe the boss said we could have a three-day weekend! Is he for real?
B: Yes, I think he is not joking. He’s just a generous boss.

A: 真不敢相信老板让我们周末休息三天!他是当真的吗?
B: 应该是。我想他不是在开玩笑,他是个慷慨的老板。


A: I gave Gertrude the keys to my house. Do you think my things are going to be safe?
B: No worries there. She is as honest as the day is long.

A: 我把家里的钥匙交给Gertrude了,你说我家会丢东西吗?
B: 甭担心。她绝对是个老实可靠的人。