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Unit 24 Classroom English 课堂用语

Grammar exercise 语法精炼

鲍老师,能不能请您说慢一点吗?Can you speak a little slowly,Mr Ba

王老师,能不能请您说慢一点吗?Can you speak a little slowly,Mr Wang?

李老师,能不能请您说慢一点吗?Can you speak a little slowly,Mr Lee?

我们今天的家庭作业是什么?What is our assignment for today?

我们今天的计划是什么?What is our plan for today?

我们今天的工作是什么?What is our work for today?

我们应该什么时候交作业呢?When should we hand in our exercise books?

我们应该什么时候交读书报告呢?When should we hand in our book reportors?

我们应该什么时候交作文呢?When should we hand in our compositions?

我可以问你一个问题吗,先生?Can I ask you a question,sir?

我可以问你一个问题吗,小姐?Can I ask you a question,Miss?

我可以问你一个问题吗,拜伦?Can I ask you a question,Byron?

老师,你今天看上去真精神。Teacher,you look so great today.

莎莉,你今天看上去真精神。Sally,you look so great today.

杰克,你今天看上去真精神。Teacher,you look so great today.

对不起,先生,我忘了带我的作业本来了。Sorry,sir,I forgot to bring my homework.

对不起,先生,我忘了带我的读书报告来了。Sorry,sir,I forgot to bring my book reportor.

对不起,先生,我忘了带我的书来了。Sorry,sir,I forgot to bring my book.

我明天要去看医生,我明天可以请一天假吗?I want to see the doctor tomorrow.Can I take tomorrow off?

他明天要去看医生,他明天可以请一天假吗?He want to see the doctor tomorrow.Can he take tomorrow off?

她明天要去看医生,她明天可以请一天假吗?She want to see the doctor tomorrow.Can she take tomorrow off?

我们现在可以走了吗?Can we be dismiss now?

他们现在可以走了吗?Can they be dismiss now?

你们现在可以走了吗?Can you be dismiss now?

我妈妈明天不能来参加家长会了,我舅舅可以替她来吗?My mother cann`t come to the parents meeting tomorrow,can my uncle come instead?

我妈妈明天不能来参加家长会了,我姨妈可以替她来吗?My mother cann`t come to the parents meeting tomorrow,can my aunt come instead?

我妈妈明天不能来参加家长会了,我姐姐可以替她来吗?My mother cann`t come to the parents meeting tomorrow,can my sister come instead?

你昨天真的去了医院了?Did you really go to the hospital yesterday?

你昨天真的去了公园了?Did you really go to the park yesterday?

你昨天真的去了购物中心了?Did you really go to the shopping center yesterday?

(Just keep on with your work,I am sure you will be NO.1.Trust me.You`ll make it)

Nice job,body.不错啊,哥们。