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聊天常用英语口语第38期:Living in the Dorm 宿舍生活


M: Hi dude, you look upset, what's up?
T: haven't been sleeping well recently.
M: what's the problem?
T: every night my roommates watch the Korean soap operas till mid-night. I am not a big fan of Korean shows and I don't know how to tell them to stop without hurting their feelings.
M: well, you can simply tell them you want to sleep, or make an arrangement for a time when the room should quiet down.
T: yeah, I know, but I find these sorts of things hard to say. They won't like it if I tell them to turn off the TV. Now I just hope the show will end soon.
M: I understand. I used to live in a dorm with four people. I was great in some aspects. We always went out and and had fun together. But on the other hand, when I wanted some quiet time, and people kept talking and laughing aloud, it was torturous. For me a room to my own, even a small one, is ideal. Though I don't mind sharing an apartment with somebody.
T: yeah, I crave my own space. But I also think interpersonal skills very important. Living in a dorm means you have to learn to be considerate of others, otherwise nobody is going to have a good time.