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I: Boris, look at this sentence."Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of foods you love." It's interesting, isn't it?
B: I'd rather say it's confusing. what are those "strict nutrition philosophies" about?
I: I believe they are careful calculations on proteins, vitamins and calories.
B: probably, Iris. That must be the job of nutritionists.
I: healthy eating ia not about depriving oneslf of the foods one loves. So we are free to have whatever foods we love. It is unbelievable.
B: oh, believe it or not, I came across an article the other day, saying that pizza is a healthy food.
I: seriously?
B: yes, I felt exactly the same way as you did just now. Scientists muct be crazy in saying so.
I: Maybe nowadays people hold different opinions on healthy diet.
B: absolutely. I myself sometimes believe that healthy eating is just about feeling great. As long as I have enough energy, it's fine.
I: but one must have some basic ideas about nutrition and find the best way for it to work out for the body.|