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sitcom:a regular programme on television that shows the same characters in different amusing situations 情景喜剧

time-consuming:taking or needing a lot of time 费时的;耗时间的
a difficult and time-consuming process 困难而又费时的过程

depth:the quality of knowing or understanding a lot of details about something; the ability to provide and explain these details 渊博;深刻;洞察力
a writer of great wisdom and depth 有卓越智慧和洞察力的作家
a job that doesn't require any great depth of knowledge 不需要多么高深知识的工作
His ideas lack depth. 他的想法缺乏深度.

informative:giving useful information 提供有用信息的;给予知识的
The talk was both informative and entertaining. 这次谈话既长见识又饶有趣味.

hilarious:extremely funny 极其滑稽的
a hilarious joke/story 令人捧腹的笑话╱故事
Lynn found the whole situation hilarious. 林恩觉得这一切都非常滑稽.
Do you know Pete? He's hilarious. 你认识皮特吗?他风趣得很.