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be in the red: to owe money to your bank because you have spent more than you have in your account 负债;亏空
The company has plunged $37 million into the red. 公司负债已达 3/f700 万元.

break even: to complete a piece of business, etc. without either losing money or making a profit 收支平衡;不赔不赚
The company just about broke even last year. 这家公司去年接近收支平衡.

Heat up: to become more exciting or to show an increase in activity 激烈起来;更加活跃
Things are really hotting up in the election campaign. 竞选活动的确日益激烈了.

Pick up: to get better, stronger, etc.; to improve 改善;好转;增强
Trade usually picks up in the spring. 贸易一般在春天回升.
The wind is picking up now. 现在风愈刮愈大了.
Sales have picked up 14% this year. 今年销售额增长了 14%.

ride on something: to depend on something 依赖于;依靠
My whole future is riding on this interview. 我的未来全靠这次面试了.
