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 A: Thank you for listening, that concludes the formal part of my presentation. Now we have time for a few questions before we break for lunch. Please don't be shy, if you have questions or something to say, just raise your hand.... Oh, yes, you in the back?

B: Can you clarify what you said about the standard design options?

A: Do you mean the design for the phase one products?

B: Yes....

A: Well, just as I said, the design for the phase one products comes in a standard options package. We will provide a catalog of choices that can be customized to a fair degree.

C: What do you think about the copyright issues that have come up with our recent designs?

A: I'm sorry, I'm not sure I'm familiar with the issues you're talking about.... I'm not sure I understand your question, could you explain more?

C: The legal department has been dealing with charges of copyright infringement on our designs.... I was just wondering your take on the issue.

A: I don't have much experience in the legal aspect of things, I'll have to do a little research and get back to you....
