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生活英语口语:Entering School 入学


Peyton: when do most children start school in your country?
Thomas: In America, most children start primary school at the age of five.
P: How much time do primary school students usually spend at school every day?
T: Kindergarten students usually only go to school for about four hours every day, but after that, they spend about eight hours in school every day.
P: do they have to go to school on Saturdays?
T: no, most children in America only go to school Monday through Friday.
P: how many subjects do they have to study?
T: In most schools, they study about nine subjects.
P: do students have to wear uniforms in schools in America?
T: some private schools require their students to wear uniforms, but public schools don't.
P: did you go to a public school or a private school?
T: I went to a pricate school for elementary school and university, but went to a public school for high school. What about you?
P: I went to a boardinbg school from nursery school to senior high school.
T: did you have to wear uniforms?
P: yes, they were horrible. We had to wear green every day!
T: at least you didn't waste time thinking about what you were going to wear every day!
P: that's true!