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英语口语会话速成 Unit 15

Chapter 3 Unit 15
Dialog 1
Thank you for calling to movies six, can I help you? 

What time does "star track" start?  “星光大道”什么时候开始?

6:00 and 7:40  六点和七点四十。

How much are tickets?  票价是多少?

For the early show, they are 2 dollars and 50 cents, and for the late show, they are 3 dollars and 25 cents.   早场是2.5美元,晚场是3.25美元。

Ok, thank you very much.  好的,非常感谢你。

Dialog 2

John, this is Mary. Do you know when the football game starts? 

It starts at 3 o'clock. Do you want to go?  三点钟开始。你们要去看吗?

Yes, are we all riding together?  是的,我们要一起骑车吗?

No, we are going in our own cars.  不。我们要自己开车去。

Well, could I ride with you? I'll pay for parking.  好的,我可以搭你的车吗?我付停车费。

sure, meet me here at 1:30.  当然可以,一点半在这里见。