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英语口语会话速成 Unit 24

Dialog 1
Hi, can you tell me where Texas stadium is? 您好,你能告诉我德克萨斯州体育馆在哪里吗?

Sure, it is in Dallas on first street. 当然,它在达拉斯的第一大街。

How do I get there from first?  从第一大街我应该怎么去到那里?

Take eye thirty east, exit on first street and go north. This stadium will be on your right.

How long will I be on first street?  我在第一街要走多久?

About ten minutes, depending upon the traffic.  大约十分钟,取决于交通情况。

Dialog 2

Can you tell me how to get to the museum?  您可以告诉我如果去博物馆吗?

Where were you be coming from?  您要从哪里去?

From Orlenton. 从Orlenton。

Sure, take eye thirty west, exit when you see the sun for the museum, turn right and you will be there in about ten minutes.

Ok, do I need to pay for parking?  好的,我需要付停车费吗?

No, parking is free.  不需要,停车是免费的。