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The savings deposit is a method of deposit that sets no limits on maturity date, time and amount of deposit or withdrawal. According to the different methods of deposit or withdrawal, there are four types of savings deposits: current passbook deposit, current check deposit, time-demand optional deposit, debit card deposit and notice deposit, etc.

I. Definition定义

Current passbook deposit is defined as one that does not have definite term with the minimum amount of 1 RMB yuan in the account; that the depositors can make deposits or withdrawals at any time without subject to amount limits after you are issued a deposit passbook by the savings office.

II. Service Features业务特点

Current passbook deposit is the most fundamental and conventional method of bank deposits. A client may make deposits or withdrawals at any time. For its free and flexible use of funds, the current passbook deposit is taken as the basis of clients’ financial asset managements.活期存折储蓄存款是银行最基本、常用的存款方式,客户可随时存取款,自由、灵活调动资金,是客户进行各项理财活动的基础。