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《英语口语 一语千说》第一篇 日常生活 07饮食




吃得很多——eat like a horse; eat like a pig

sentence patterns: When we are hungry, we eat like a horse.

She eats like a horse.

Yesterday, he ate like a pig.

Tom eats like a pig.

节食——be on a diet; go on a diet

sentence patterns: She can't eat too much, because she is on a diet.

She has been on a diet for a long time.

He will go on a diet.

Her purpose about going on a diet is to keep slim.

干杯——propose a toast; cheers; bottoms up

sentence patterns: We proposed a toast for my success.

We proposed a toast for Teacher's Day's coming.

At the party, we often say happily "Cheers!"

When we are together, Tom always first said "Cheers".

We often heard the phrase "bottoms up" at the party.

醉了——tipsy; be drunk

sentence patterns: Sorry, I'm a little tipsy.

Yesterday, I was a bit tipsy.

If you drink more, you will be drunk.

Don't worry, I can't be drunk.

咖啡——white coffee; black coffee; coffee with sugar

sentence patterns: I would like white coffee.

I never touch white coffee.

Some people like black coffee.

My sisters dislike black coffee.

She always drinks coffee with sugar.

She says that coffee with sugar is benefitial to human.

各自付款——go Dutch; pay separately

sentence patterns: Shall we go Dutch?

We should go Dutch in some certain condition.

Let's pay separately.

订——booked up; booked; make a reservation

sentence patterns: They're all booked up tonight.

All the tables are booked today.

We should make a reservation two days ahead.

What time did they make a reservation?

挨饿——hungry; starve

sentence patterns: I'm getting hungry.

I'm extremely hungry.

I'm starving.

He looks starving.

不新鲜——stale; not fresh

sentence patterns: The potato chips are stale.

The fish isn't fresh.