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职场社交英语口语对话 Lesson 41:你不打算想想办法吗?


职场社交英语口语对话 Lesson 41:你不打算想想办法吗?

SCENE① B  艾文跌跌撞撞进了文斯的隔间 


Elvin:  Aren't you going to do anything? You've got to 1) get rid of her!

艾文:         你不打算想想办法吗?你得把她给除掉!

Vince:         I'm afraid that isn't possible.

文斯:         这恐怕不可能。

Elvin:  What are you talking about? Fire her! Tell her to hit the road!

艾文:         你在说什么?开除她!叫她走路!

Vince:         I can't do that. Zina has 2) convinced our 3) investors that she knows what's best for InfoKing.

文斯:         我办不到。吉娜已经说服了我们的投资人说,她知道什么对“资讯王”最好。

Elvin:  What? You mean to tell me that wacko is 4) in charge now? How?

艾文:         什么?你要告诉我现在是那个怪胎管事?怎么会?