Group 25
Anomaly something which does not fit in a pattern, irregularity
Certitude certainty
Digress wander off the subject
Falter hesitate, waver
Indelible cannot be wiped out
Malinger deliberately avoid work; shirk
Paradox apparently contradictory statement
Proclivity tendency towards
Sensuous appealing to the senses
Unscathed unharmed, intact, without a scratch
Group 26
Antagonism hostility, strong opposition
Charlatan trickster who claims knowledge he doesn't have
Dike dam, embankment
Fanatical obsessive, fixated
Indifferent neutral, or not outstanding
Malingerer deliberately tries to avoid work
Paragon a perfect example
Procrastinate delay, put off
Sentinel guard, sentry
Unwitting not deliberate, unconscious
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