Group 27
Antagonistic opposed, hostile, aggressive
Chary wary of, cautious about, reluctant to give
Dilatory slow, falling behind with one's work
Fanaticism passion,excessive devotion
Indigenous native to a particular area
Malleable flexible, can be shaped
Paramount of supreme importance
Prodigal wasteful, extravagant
Sequester isolate
Upbraid scold, tell off, reprimand
Group 28
Antediluvian outdated, prehistoric, very old-fashioned
Chastises punishes
Dilemma puzzling situation
Fastidious overly particular, finicky
Indolence laziness
Mallet hammer, stick used for polo
Parasite scrounger, animal which takes digested food from another
Prodigious very large
Serendipity fortunate coincidence, unsought discovery
Uproarious hilarious, hysterical, very funny
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