Group 51
Acrid sharp, pungent (used of smells and tastes)
Boorish ill-mannered
Cynical believing that people act only out of selfish motives
Epistle a letter (form of communication)
Heresy against orthodox opinion
Lance spear, spike, javelin
Obscure difficult to understand, partially hidden
Poignant deeply moving, strongly affecting the emotions
Respite a break, intermission
Terse concise, to the point
Group 52
Acrophobia fear of heights
Bourgeois middle class
Debility weakness, incapacity
Epistolary concerned with letters, through correspondence
Hiatus interruption, pause
Languid tired, slow
Obscured hidden, covered, buried
Poised calm, collected, self-possessed
Resplendent shining, glowing
Therapeutic medicinal, curative
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