Group 53
Acuity sharpness (mental or visual)
Braggart someone who boasts
Debunking exposing false claims or myths
Epitomized typified, characterized, personified
Hidebound rigid in opinions
Languish decay, fade away, get weaker
Obsequious servile, submissive
Polemical causing debate or argument
Restorative a tonic
Thwart prevent, frustrate
Group 54
Adamant forceful, inflexible
Brawny muscular
Decathlon an athletic competition with ten events
Equivocate speak ambiguously; avoid telling the truth
Hieroglyphics picture writing; writing difficult to read; enigmatic
Larceny theft, robbery, stealing
Obsession a dominating concern
Ponderous weighty, slow and heavy
Retention preservation, withholding
Timorous cowardly, fearful