对于SAT 高频词汇的掌握可以让大家更加有效率的备考SAT考试。为了方便广大考生更好的复习,和谐英语网综合整理了实用备考资料:SAT高频词汇汇总,以供各位考生考试复习参考,希望对考生复习有所帮助。
Group 29
Anthology a book which is a collection of poems or stories
Chicanery trickery
Dilettante person who dabbles in a subject without serious study
Fatuous silly, foolish
Inductee novice; beginner
Manipulatable influencable, controllable
Parched dried up
Profane unholy
Serene calm, peaceful
Upshot outcome
Group 30
Anthropocentrism putting man at the center of one's philosophy
Chimerical changeable, unstable
Diligent hard-working
Feasible possible and practicable
Indulgent pampering, satisfying desires
Marred damaged, spoiled
Pariah an outcast from society
Profanity swearing, cursing
Serrated jagged, saw-like
Urbane sophisticated, suave
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