对于SAT 高频词汇的掌握可以让大家更加有效率的备考SAT考试。为了方便广大考生更好的复习,和谐英语网综合整理了实用备考资料:SAT高频词汇汇总,以供各位考生考试复习参考,希望对考生复习有所帮助。
Group 35
Appease pacify, soothe, calm down, make peace with
Circumscribe limit
Discord disagreement
Finesse skill
Inevitable cannot be avoided
Matriarchy society governed by women
Parsimonious economical, frugal, thrifty
Proponents promoters, supporters
Smelt refine an ore
Vacuous empty, silly, meaningless
Group 36
Apprehensive worried, fearful
Circumspect cautious, considering all sides
Discordancy cacophony, harshness, jarring
Fitful not continuous, stopping and starting
Inexorable relentless
Maverick a loner
Parsimony stinginess, frugality, cost-cutting
Prosaic dull, boring, ordinary
Smorgasbord a Swedish buffet of cold dishes
Vagrant person wandering without a home
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