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Little Bear-L

Mother Bear-MB

Father Bear-FB




L: When will it be done?

MB: Just in time for all of your friends to have a piece.

FB: Friends?

L: My friends are coming over to play.

FB: Oh, well, you must be very quiet then because Mother Bear is going to be paying bills this morning.

MB: And Father Bear is going to read his newspaper.

L: We’ll be very quiet. I promise.

FB: Good!

MB: Sh…

L: Sh…

FB: Ah..

L: They are here. Sorry. Hi, everybody. Come in.

D: Hi, Little Bear. It’s my favorite kind of weather. Maybe we should go outside.

H: Duck, this is terrible weather.

C: I’ll say.

H: And Little Bear has invited us to play inside today.

H: Oh…

L: Come on. Let’s play with the seashells Father Bear brought home.

L: Sh…

H: Hello, Father Bear!

FB: Good morning, Hen !

C: Hello!

FB: Cat!

D: Hi, Father Bear!

FB: Hello, Duck!

C: What’s wrong with Father Bear ?

L: Father Bear likes quiet when he is reading the paper.

D: What?

H&L: Sh….

L: Remember if we listen carefully, we can hear the sound of the ocean.

C: Ha.. I hear it.

D: You do?

L: I do, Er.., too. Er…

D: Sh.., I can’t hear.

L: I can’t, Er…, help it.

D: What’s wrong?

H: He has the hiccups.

C: Very observant, Hen.

L: Sh… Er..

MB: Let me get you some water, Little Bear.

L: Ha, that’s better.

MB: Water always works.

L: Er..Oh..

MB: Oh, dear.

O: Hello, Everybody. Sorry I’m late.

FB: Wow..

O: Have I missed anything?

H: I guess you don’t bother to knock anymore.

MB: Thank goodness! Owl is here. He will know what to do.

O: About what?

L: Water won’t stop my hiccups.

O: Well now, let me think. Water is a good idea but he must hold his breath too.

L: How can I hold my breath too?

O: Well you can try. Try never hurt anybody.

L: For how long?

O: For as long as it takes.

L: Mmmm ?

O: Longer.

L: Mmm……, Pa..

O: Well?

L: It works, Owl, no more, Er…

O: Maybe you didn’t hold your breath long enough.

C: This always works.

L: What did you, Er.., do that for?

C: I was trying to get rid of your hiccups. Go ahead. You try it on me.

O: Come on.

C: See?

L: But you never had them, Er…

O: Oh my! Someone is at the door. I wonder who it could be.

H: That was fun. The thing I do in the name of friendship.

D: I bet we made the hiccups go away.

L: You are right, Duck. My hiccups are gone. Er..oh.

C: That was a good idea.

O: Some idea

H: Well, Owl, your idea didn’t work too well.

O: Cat’s idea didn’t help either

C: Excuse me, but I read about that technique in a very famous book.

O: What book? I’ve read every book in the library.

C: OK, please. You think you know everything.

D: I can read.

C: Oh, my!

FB: Enough! How can I read with all this noise?

L: I was only hiccupping.

FB: What was that?

L: Hiccupping. I was only hiccupping.

FB: Hiccupping. I can’t hear any hiccups.

L: But I was hiccupping.

FB: All right. Hiccup for me. Come on now. One, two, three, hiccup. Well, well, I guess you can’t hiccup anymore.

L: My hiccups are gone.

MB: Wonderful!

H: A brilliant idea, Father Bear.

C: A genius !

D: Smart too !

O: You can still stop in my way. Little Bear didn’t really try. You just have to know how to do it.

FB: That’s right. You just have to know how to do it.

MB: Now, who wants pie.

O: I’d have some..Er…