The Puddle Jumper
Little Bear-L
L: Hello, Duck.
D: Hello Little Bear, what are you doing?
L: Jumping over puddles.
D: Oh, I like splashing in puddles.
L: This is a nice puddle, Duck.
D: It′s my favorite. It′s nice and round, and not too deep, and the water so clear, I can even see myself, this is my perfect puddle.
L: Yes, perfect to jump over.
D: Oh? Wait, what if you hurt my puddle?
L: Don′t worry, Duck, I won′t hurt your puddle.
D: You hurt my puddle.
L: I′m sorry, Duck.
D: That was my perfect puddle.
L: Come on, we′ll find another one.
L: Look Duck, here is a puddle.
D: Well, it is nice and round.
L: And I can jump over it.
D: It′s too small.
L: Yes I see. Ok, let′s keep looking.
L: What do you think, Duck?
D: It′s not deep enough.
L: How about this one?
D: Too muddy.
L: Maybe we should follow those frogs. Frogs always know where the good puddles are.
F: Hello, Little Bear.
L: Hello, Frog.
F: Hello, Duck.
D: Hello, Frog.
F: What are you doing?
L: We′re looking for the perfect puddle.
F: Oh yes, but can a puddle ever truly be perfect?
D: Well, as long as it′s nice and round, and not too small, and not too muddy, that would be perfect for me.
F: If it′s puddles you want, I′ll show you the way.
F: We are here.
D: Wah, look at all the puddles.
F: Yes, this is our special place. Do you like it?
L: It′s great, let′s start jumping.
D: Let′s start splashing.
F: Here is a true test. Puddle jumper.
D: Wah, this is the biggest puddle I′ve ever seen. Little Bear, you cann′t jump on the lily pad, you′ll sink.
L: En, you′re right, Duck. Interesting. Look out, here I come.
D: You did it, Little Bear.
F: I here by proclaim Little Bear the great puddle jumper.
L: Ah oh, it′s starting to rain.
D: That was fun, Little Bear. Thank you.
L: I′m sorry, Duck. We never really found your perfect puddle.
D: Oh, that′s Ok.
L: Look, Duck.
D: My perfect puddle. It′s perfect again.
D: Little Bear, would you like to try to jump over my puddle?
L: Can I?
D: I′m sure.
L: Ok, here I come.
D: You did it, Little Bear. You′re the best puddle jumper.
L: Thank you, Duck. And you are the best puddle splasher.