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Up All Night

Little Bear-L

Mother Bear-MB


Father Bear-FB

L: Can Father Bear see the sunset at the see?

MB: Yes, the very same one. And in the morning, because fishermen get up so early to fish, he can see the sunrise too.

L: Can I see the sunrise just like Father Bear?

MB: You′ve to get up very very early.

L: And let′s stay up all night.

MB: I′m afraid you are too little to do that.

L: I′m not too little.

MB: Little bears need the sleep.

L: Good night, sun. See you in the morning.

MB: And the bear ate all the honey and went to sleep with a very full belly.

L: That′s a good story.

MB: Yes, it′s.

L: Let′s read it again.

MB: We′ve already read twice. Now it′s time for you to go to sleep. Good night.

L: Mother Bear.

MB: What is it?

L: How long before the sun comes up?

MB: Not until the moon goes down. Good night, little bear. Sweet dreams.

MB: Little Bear.

L: Mother Bear.

MB: What′s the matter?

L: I′m thirsty.

MB: All right, I′ll be right back. Now go to sleep.

MB: I gave you a kiss.

L: I didn′t kiss you back.

MB: Good night, little bear.

L: Mother Bear. Mother Bear.

MB: What′s it, little bear?

L: It′s too hot.

MB: There, now I'll see you at breakfast.

L:What′s for breakfast?

MB: We can have oatmeal and juice.

L: What kind of juice?

MB: Little Bear, go to sleep.

L: Cat, you scared me.

C: What are you doing up?

L: I′m staying up all night.

C: Oh, me too. I hardly ever sleep at night.

L: You must be up until the sun rises.

C: Actually, I prefer the mid of the night.

L: Why?

C: Because night is dark and no one can see me.

L: Don′t you get scared?

C: Sure, sometimes. The night can be very scary. But I like that. Want to come?

L: I′d better not.

C: See you in the morning then. I′ve still got dinner waiting somewhere.

L: I wonder where Father Bear is now, it must be very dark on the ocean at night. Must be a lot of waves. And the water must be very cold. Wow, Mother Bear.

MB: What′s wrong?

L: I need a live saver.

MB: A live saver.

L: I was pretending I was on the boat, like Father Bear. And the waves were really big.

MB: Now this time I want you to go to sleep. I mean it, little bear.

L: Oh, Mother Bear, I must have been sleepwalking.

MB: You′ve never done that before.

L: I can′t go to sleep.

MB: Why not?

L: Because I want to stay up and see Father Bear′s sunrise.

MB: You are sure you want to stay up all night? OK then, let′s go wait for Father Bear′s sunrise.

L: Mother Bear, where does Father Bear sleep at night?

MB: Father Bear sleeps in a warm cabin on the ship. He has a red and blue checked quilt on his bed. And on the night stand, next to his pillow, there′s a picture of you.

L: That′s a good place to sleep.

MB: A very good place.

L: To see if a glass of water at night, just like me?

MB: Of course he does.

L: Does he get a bedtime story?

MB: Well, every night before he goes to sleep, he reads a letter I write to him.

L: And do you write him things about me?

MB: All about you!

L: Father Bear.

FB: Hi,Little Bear.

MB: Good morning sleepy cat.

L: Morning.

MB: I′m sorry you missed the sunrise, little bear.

L: But I did see the sunrise.

MB: You did?

L: Of course. Didn′t I say a word?

MB: Was it very beautiful?

L: Yes, it was. Father Bear saw it too. He waved to me.

MB: Then you are a lucky little bear.

L: Yes, I am.