Little Sherlock Bear
Little Bear-L
Mother Bear-MB
Father Bear-FB
E: Ok, let′s play.
C: Everybody ready?
All: Ready!
O: Nicely done. Easy. Watch it. I′m tired of leap frog. Let′s play something else.
D: We can play ball… or something else.
C: What about hide and seek?
L: I′d be the seeker.
E: Ok.
L: Now everybody remember the rules. You can hide anywhere in the yard and woods, but no hiding in the…
D: Pie!
C: No, Duck, not pie, no hiding in the house.
D: No, on the windowsill. Pie!
C: That certainly is a beautiful pie, Mother Bear.
O: May I ask what pie it is?
MB: It′s cherry.
All: Cherry!
O: My favorite.
E: Wops, Pie is making my stomach grow.
MB: I′m sorry everyone, but this is a special pie for Father Bear′s dinner. Now I′ve to work in the garden. So no one touch the pie! It′s very hot.
L: Ok, let′s play. Everyone run and hide. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Owl.
O: No fair, you are peeking.
L: That′s Father Bear′s Pie.
O: I was just checking to see if it was cooling probably. Seems to be right on schedule.
L: Well, you′d better hurry and hide. I′m almost done counting.
O: You have to start over if you peek.
L: Ok, but leave the pie alone. One two …nine, ten. Ready or not, here I come! Oh, no, the pie is gone!
O: What! Well, someone else must have taken it because it wasn′t me.
L: Then we have to find out who did.
O: Yes. Let′s look for some clues.
L: Clues? Like finding someone hiding next to where the pie was?
O: That′s a good clue. Except I didn′t take it.
L: Ok, let′s look for some more clues.
O: We should be looking for trail of clumps or footprints or...
L: I found a feather. Could this be a clue?
O: What does a feather prove?
L: Here is another one. Oh, sorry, Duck. I thought you were a clue.
D: A clue?
L: Yes, there′s a clue on your face.
D: A clue for my face? Does it bite? Get it off! Quick, get it off!
L: It′s Ok, Duck. A clue doesn′t bite!
O: Especially if it′s cherry juice.
D: Cherry juice?
O: I think we′ve found who took Father Bear′s pie.
D: Somebody took Father Bear′s pie?
O: You!
D: I did? No, I didn′t.
L: Maybe Duck didn′t eat the pie.
O: How did you know?
L: Where were you hiding, Duck?
D: In the raspberry cratch.
L: Raspberries? And you were eating raspberries, Duck?
D: Oh, yes. I love raspberries.
L: Maybe that′s why you have juice on your face. Ja, it′s raspberry.
D: I know.
L: So, Duck didn′t steal the pie.
D: Oh, thank goodness. But then who did it?
C: Oh, you found me. I′ve hurt myself.
D: What′s wrong with your paw?
O: He burned it stealing Father Bear′s pie.
C: I did not!
O: Och, see.
L: Let′s see, Cat.
L: Look, Cat has a thorn in his paw. It′s out.
C: Thank you, Little Bear. Now, what′s it about Father Bear′s pie?
L: We're trying to find who took it.
O: If it wasn′t Duck or Cat, there leaves Emily or Hen.
D: I see something. Oh, it′s just a shoe.
L: But it is not just any shoe. It′s Emily shoe. Good work, Duck, you′ve found a clue.
D: I′ve found a clue.
C: But where is Emily? And why doesn′t she have her shoe?
O: Maybe Emily stole the pie and while she was running away, she lost her shoe.
E: Or maybe it fell off when I was climbing a tree. Did you say someone took Father Bear′s pie?
O: Yes, you!
E: No, I didn′t, why would I?
O: You seemed a lot hungrier earlier.
E: And I still am.
L: Yes, if Emily had eaten the pie, her stomach would not be growing.
D: Here is your shoe, Emily.
E: Thank you, Duck.
L: Look, another clue.
L: Hen tracks. If we follow these, that leads to Hen.
All: Follow the tracks and we′ll find Hen.
L: Interesting.
O: Aha, the tracks lead right toward where the pie was. I think we found the thief at last.
E: But you thought I was the thief.
C: And me!
D: And me too.
L: Yes Owl, let′s wait and see what Hen says.
C: Little Bear, Owl, the tracks lead this way.
D: Oh dear, the tracks stop at the door.
H: Hello everybody.
O: You see, there is the pie thief!
H: I beg your pardon?
L: Hen, that was Father Bear′s pie.
H: Well, I knew that.
L: Then why are you eating it?
FB: Because I offered her a piece.
L: Father Bear. You′re home.
FB: Hello my Little Bear.
L: We thought someone had stolen your pie.
FB: On no, I found it sitting on the windowsill when I came in. It looks so good I had to have a piece right away.
H: And he gave me a piece too.
FB: I wonder would anyone else likes some pie?
All: Oh yes, please.