A Flu
Mother bear- MB
Little Bear- LB
Pigeons- P
Cat- C
Hen- H
Duck- D
MB: Little bear, time to get up. It′s cleaning day, and I need your help. Little bear.
LB: Morning, mother.
MB: Oh, sorry, I will finish dusting later.
MB: Little bear, are you all right?
LB: I think so.
MB: Your head feels warm.
LB: It does?
MB: I wonder if you have a flu.
LB: Is it a flu?
MB: I think I should take a temperature.
LB: Temperature?
MB: Now hold the thermometer under your tongue. I′m going to bring you some broth.
P: Hello, little bear.
LB: Hello.
P: What′s there in your mouth?
LB: A Themometer, I have the flu.
P: The flu? How terrible! What is it? Sounds serious. Isn′t it catching? Bye, little bear.
MB: En, just as I thought, a slight fever, not much, but enough for me.
LB: Is it flu?
MB: Could be. You have to stay in bed today.
LB: All day?
MB: Be sure and drink your broth, it will make you feel much better.
LB: Hello, cat.
C: What′s the matter with you?
LB: I have the flu.
C: Oh, that′s too bad. You should roll in some catnap. That always makes me better.
LB: I don′t think so.
C: En, looks good. So you are sick, awful, I know a cat with a flu once.
LB: Did it get better?
C: Yes. But it sneezed so much, his nose got so big and swollen and almost fell off..
LB: Really? Did my nose fall off?
C: No, it′s still there.
D: Little bear, are you there? There you are. My poor dear. Do you remember me? Do you know who I am?
LB: Of course I do. You are duck.
D: Oh, thank Godness. I knew a duck who once got the flu, she forgot she was a duck and don′t know how to fly.
C: Delicious looking, honey.
D: It′s for little bear. You haven′t started to have rashes yet, have you?
LB: Rashes?
D: That′s what the duck I knew got.
LB: And what happened?
D: Oh, it was terrible. The rashes got bigger and redder, and soon she was rubbing herself everywhere, on everything, and the little feather started itching and she was scratching and scratching.
C: What′s the matter?
LB: Rashes! I must have the rash.
D: Oh, dear, I will get you something.
D: Here, you poor dear, now get back in the bed or you would never get better.
C: What′s that?
LB: My stomach is making noise.
C: Do you think it′s from not eating?
H: Oh, my, stomachache is definitely a sign of serious flu.
LB: I′ve got the temperature too.
H: I′ve got just the thing. Very good Medicine.
LB: I don′t want to take the medicine.
H: Oh, you don′t take a whole bottle, you wear it.
LB: Now I am hot.
C: Better be careful, if your fever gets too high, your ears may start to sweal.
LB: Oh, no. I think they are burning up.
D: Wrap his head in a towel. That would help.
LB: Oh no, I can′t see.
H: The flu affection, I say.
LB: Oh, I feel so dizzy.
H: Oh, flu does that.
LB: My ears, my nose, oh, my stomach, the rashes.
D: The honey!
H: Oh, no!
MB: What is going on in here?
H: We were just trying to help little bear get over his flu.
MB: You can help little bear get over his flu by leaving now and let him get some rest. I will let you know when he is better.
Friends: Good bye, little bear, get well soon, take care, little bear.
MB: You are so sweet. Now let′s get you clean up and back to bed.
LB: Am I better, mother? I stayed in bed all day.
MB: You are better and normal, little bear.
LB: I′m not sick any more?
MB: No, you are all better.
P: How are you feeling, little bear? Are you better?
LB: I′m normal, my flu has flown. This has been such a bad day after all. I feel pretty good.
MB: That′s good news, maybe tomorrow you can help me clean up the house, top to bottom.
LB: Feel my headache again, are you sure I am better?
MB: Oh no, you are not getting away with that.