

[00:00.00]和谐英语学习网Unit 3 What do you usually do at this tim
[00:05.38]1.Look and sa
[00:08.52]seven   ten   three   six   nine   five past three   ten past five   twenty past o
[00:26.85]twenty five past two   fifteen past seven   five to two   twenty five to three   ten to four   fifteen to five   twenty to o
[00:45.71]2.Ask and answe
[00:49.82]What time is it now?It's seve
[00:53.21]What time is it now?It's five minutes to te
[00:57.29]What time is it now?It's half past fou
[01:01.15]What time is it now?It's ten past nin
[01:04.78]4.Let's chan
[01:08.49]It's half past si
[01:14.29]Children are dancin
[01:16.07]The sky is blue,and the sun is shinin
[01:20.48]The frog is watching,and the crab is jumpin
[01:24.43]The children are singing,and the fish is swimmin
[01:29.47]5.Listen,read and retel
[01:34.64]My aunt and uncle live in a coastal cit
[01:38.22]They have two children.One likes to play football,the other likes to stud
[01:43.89]I went to visit them this summe
[01:46.14]My cousins often took me to the park,the seashore and other interesting place
[01:51.83]They taught me how to swim.We had become good friends when I left the
[01:57.29]I often write to them and send them pictures no
[01:59.98]I am glad to learn that my aunt's family will come to spend Spring Festival with u
[02:04.94]I just cannot wait to see the
[02:07.69]6.Let's pla
[02:11.24]What time am I thinging of?
[02:13.38]2.It's eight twent
[02:15.42]3.No.Please guess agai
[02:19.10]5.Yes.You're righ
[02:21.32]7.Listen and read for fu
[02:25.06]Why do we have day and nigh
[02:26.99]The sun's light gives the earth its day and nigh
[02:31.43]The earth spins like a top in space at 960 km
[02:37.28]It takes 24 hours to spin around onc
[02:41.07]As it spins,it is night on the side of the earth that faces away from the su
[02:46.97]It is day on the side of the earth that faces the su
[02:51.28]Where do the stars g
[02:53.58]During the day the stars are still in the sky,but we cannot see them because the sun's light is much brighter than they ar
[03:02.70]Why does the sun se
[03:04.87]The sun does not really move at al
[03:07.82]Because the earth spins,it looks as if the sun rises in the east and sets in the wes
[03:13.96]Keeping up with the tim
[03:16.28]Every minutes of the day somewhere around the world there is a sunrise,a sunset,a midday or a midnigh
[03:23.18]When flying east,you put your watch forward an hour each time you cross a time zon
[03:29.19]When flying west,you put your watch back an hou
[03:33.08]The world is divided into 24 time zone
[03:36.56]Lines of longitude divide the zones on a ma
[03:39.95]The spaces between them show how far the earth spins in one hou
[03:43.90]If you cross the International Date Line,you change your calendar,not your watc
[03:49.38]You lose a day going west and gain a day going eas