

[00:00.00]和谐英语学习网Unit 7 Fun with numbe
[00:04.52]1.Read and role pla
[00:08.72]What programme are you watchin
[00:11.47]The Marathon rac
[00:13.14]Do you like i
[00:14.68]Yes,I do.And my uncle's is in the race toda
[00:18.49]Which one is your uncl
[00:22.62]What colour is his sportswea
[00:25.36]He is wearing a while vest and a pair of red shorts.Have you found hi
[00:30.69]Oh,yes,I have.He runs very fas
[00:34.82]I'm sure he'll wi
[00:36.73]5.Listen,read and retel
[00:41.74]The Wi
[00:42.92]Once there was an old man.He had three sons and seventeen horse
[00:48.56]One day he told his sons,"I have written my will.I'm going to leave my horses to you.but you must share them
[00:57.13]lWhen the old man died,his sons opened the wil
[01:00.58]"To my three sons,I leave my seventeen horses.My eldest son shall take a hal
[01:06.95]My second son shall take a third.My youngest son shall take a ninth.You can't kill the horses
[01:15.94]The sons were confused.They learned maths at school before,but they could not divide seventeen by two,seventeen by three,or seventeen by nin
[01:25.84]Then they went to a wise man and asked him for hel
[01:29.05]"I will give you a horse."said the wise man,"Now go away a and obey your father's will
[01:35.22]They took the horse and went home.They now had eighteen horse
[01:39.87]The eldest son took a half,the second son took a third,the younest son took a nint
[01:47.28]And the wise man's horse,they gave bac