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新派英语 第四册 08

[00:00.00]Unit 8               It's Fun!
[00:05.47]2.Listen.Read.Say the rhyme.
[00:20.92]Collecing stamps is lots of fun.I really think they're colorful.
[00:28.08]I like to think of where they go.Their traveling is so wonderful!
[00:35.03]Peole like to save strange things Like coins--I think that's funny.
[00:42.37]I really don't know why they do.I'd want to spend the money!
[00:49.03]Everyone does different things,And that's what makes it fun.
[00:55.76]Collecting things we really like,Then sharing what we've done!
[01:15.24]It's easy to find baseball cards.Lots of people collext them.
[01:21.58]Lots of people collext coins,too.It's fun to collect them.
[01:27.73]I colled dolls from around the world.My newest doll is from India.
[01:34.25]I collect dolls,too. My oldest one is from France.
[01:40.76]It's boring to collect rocks!they aren't colorful like stamps.
[01:46.60]I think you're wrong! Rocks are interesting.
[01:51.02]Some of them have beautiful colors
[01:57.25]Nothing! I found it.
[02:00.82]But my smallest rock cost five dollars.It's hard to find that kind.
[02:06.76]What about you,Marco?Do you collect anything?
[02:11.69]I collect trophies.fastest boy on the track team.
[02:18.02]6.Listen.Circle the correct answer.
[03:36.47]Who Took My Baseball Cards?
[03:42.62]by Judy Nayer
[03:45.68]Hello! I'm Rick.I like to play soccer,and I like to play basketball.
[04:01.06]But my favorite sport is baseball.
[04:05.92]I love to play baseball!I'm the fastest runner on my team.
[04:13.66]Baseball is never boring to me.But it is really exciting when you win.
[04:22.80]Last year,my team won a trophy!
[04:27.66]When I'm not playing baseball,I like to collect baseball cards.
[04:36.01]It's a fun and easy hobby.And it is in teresting,too.
[04:43.46]Now I know everything about the players on all the different teams.
[04:49.80]I think I have the biggest collection in my town.
[04:54.44]That is because I spend all my money on baseball cards!
[05:01.00]One day I was putting my newest baseball cards in my book.
[05:08.95]I saw that some of my old cards weren't there.How strange!
[05:16.40]What happened?I looked every day for my baseball cards,but I didn't find them.
[05:24.43]Was this some joke?I did not think it was funny.I felt awful.
[05:32.28]Then,last night,I saw my dog Socks in the yard.
[05:41.24]I ran out to look."What's wrong,Socks?"I asked.
[05:47.80]Then I saw them.My baseball cards were behind the big rock!Socks took them!
[05:56.94]I was happy to see my wonderful cards,so I didn't get mad at Socks.
[06:03.49]I think he likes collecting baseball cards,too!