1.fissure:n. 裂缝
2.fitful:a. 一阵阵的,不规则的
例如:The whole debate was rather fitful.(整个辩论断断续续地进行。)
3.fixer:n. 操纵者
4.flabby:a. (肌肉)软弱无力的
5.flag:v. 变弱,衰退
6.flagrant:a. 穷凶极恶的,骇人听闻的
例如:Telling the story was a flagrant breach of trust.(说谎是一种可耻的破坏信誉的行为。)
7.flail:v. 挥舞
例如:He flailed about in the water, shouting ‘I can’t swim!’(他在水中胡乱摆动双臂,大叫“我不会游泳!”。)
8.flashback:n. 闪回,倒叙
9.flourish:v. & n. 1.茂盛,繁荣2. 挥动,炫耀
例如:Heflourished his stick at the boy.(他朝那个男孩挥舞棍棒。)
10.fluctuate:v. 波动,变动,涨落
例如:The price of vegetables fluctuates seasonally.(蔬菜的价格随季节变动。)
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