1.concede:v. 1.(常指勉强地)承认 2.容许,让与
例如:I conceded that I had made a mistake.(我承认我犯了一个错误。)
2.concentric:a. 同心的,同轴的
例如:The street plan of the city has evolved as a series of concentric rings.(该城市的街道平面图像一圈圈的同心圆环。)
3.concerto:n. 协奏曲
4.concur:v. 1.同意 2.同时发生
例如:The two judges concurred on the ruling.(两名法官对这个判决意见一致。)
5.condescend:v. 1.屈尊 2.自以为高人一等
例如:Would you condescend to accompany me?(你肯屈尊陪我吗?)
6.condolence:n. 吊唁,追悼
7.confection:n. 甜食
8.confederate:n. 1.共谋者,同党 2.盟友
9.confer:v. 1.商讨 2.授予,颁赠(勋衔、学位等)
例如:She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision.(她先去请教顾问然后再宣布决定。)
10.confidant:n. 知己,心腹