1.taper:v. 1.逐渐变窄 2.(使某物)变小,变少,逐渐终止 n. (长形物体的)逐渐变窄
例如:He tapered the stick with a knife.(他用小刀把棍子的一端削尖。)
2.tarnish:v. (使)失去光泽,(使)变灰暗
例如:Brass tarnishes quickly in wet weather.(天气潮湿时黄铜很快会失去光泽。)
3.tarry:v. 耽搁,逗留 a. 沥青的
例如:He tarried a few days in New York.(他在纽约逗留了几天。)
4.tatters:n. 碎布,破旧的衣服
例如:in tatters 1.(衣服)破旧的 2.破产的,潦倒的
5.taunt:v. 讽刺,奚落n. 嘲笑人的话
例如:Some of the girls taunted her about her weight.(有些女孩子笑她胖。)
6.tedium:n. 厌倦,乏味
7.teeter:v. 步履蹒跚,左右摇摆
例如:She teetered along in her high-heeled shoes.(她穿着一双高跟鞋摇摇晃晃地走着。)
8.tenuous:a. 1.薄的,细的 2. 细微的 3. 肤浅的
例如:He has a rather tenuous grasp of reality.(他对现实认识很肤浅。)
9.tepid:a. 温的
例如:The critics’s reaction to the film was rather tepid.(评论家对那部影片的反映不太热烈。)
10.terse:a. 用词简练的
例如:Her reply about the matter was terse.(她对此事的答复简明扼要。)