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1.redemptive:a. 补救的,偿还的

Continue to work with the faith that honor in suffering is redemptive.(坚持以受苦为荣的信念来工作是一种赎罪。)

2.redevelopment:n. 重新规划,改造

3.red-hot:a. 1.炽热的;2. (指新闻)最新的

The reporter had ared-hot story. (那个记者掌握着最新消息.)

4.redolent:a. 1. 有强烈气味的2. 使人联想或回想起某物的

Mrs. Sturgis led her into a little room redolent of the sea, and foreign lands.(史笃司太太把她送进一间小房,那里面可以使人联想到海上的生活和异邦的风土。)

5.refine:v. 1. 净化,精炼2. 使高尚

They refine sugar using this way.(他们用这种方法精制糖。)

6.refrain:v. 抑制,避免

Please refrain from smoking during the performance.(演出时请勿吸烟。)

7.refutation:n. 1. 驳斥,辩驳2. 反驳性论据

8.regatta:n. 划船比赛,赛挺会

9.regress:v. 退步,退化

She had to get out of this place before she regressed to infancy.(她必须趁还没有退化到幼儿状态之前赶紧离开这个地方。)

10.rehabilitate:v. 1. 使恢复正常生活2. 修复3. 使恢复原有的高职位等

There was no money to rehabilitate the tower.(没有资金修复那座塔。)