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1.treachery:n. 背叛,不忠

His treachery led to the capture and imprisonment of his friend.(由于他的背叛, 他的朋友被捕入狱。)

2.treatise:n. (专题的)论文

3.treble:n. 1. 唱高音的男童2. 高音音部a. 尖声的,声调高的

James has a fine treble voice.(詹姆斯有一副悦耳的高音嗓子。)

4.trek:n. 艰辛的路程v. 艰苦跋涉

They trekked for three days along the banks of the Zambezi.(他们沿着赞比西河河岸跋涉了三天。)

5.tremor:n. 1. 颤动2. 激动

6.tributary:n. 1. 支流2. 进贡者(国),附庸国a. 支流的2. 附庸的

There was a tributary road near the end of the village.(村的尽头有条岔道。)

7.tripper:n. 远足者,短途旅行者

8.truce:n. 休战,停战协定

9.trudge:v. 缓慢或吃力地走

Hetrudged wearily along the path.(他沿着小路疲惫地走去。)

10.trump:n. 王牌v. 出王牌(取胜)

trump card王牌,制胜的一手