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1.singe:v. 把…微微烧焦n. 轻微的烫焦

The hot iron has slightlysinged the cloth.(热熨斗把布烫焦了一些。)

2.sinuous:a. 弯曲的,蜿蜒的

The river wound its sinuous way across the plain.(这条河蜿蜒曲折地流过平原。)

3.sip:v. 小口喝,抿n. 一小口的量

Shesipped from her glass while the professor emptied it.(她小口品尝杯中酒,教授却一饮而尽。)

4.sizeable:a. 相当大的

Since Thursday night a sizeable feat of organization had been carried through.(打星期四晚上起,曾进行了一场颇具规模的组织活动。)

5.slanderous:a. 诽谤的,中伤的

A man of moral integrity does not fear any slanderous attack.(人正不怕影子斜。)

6.sleazy:a. 肮脏的,低劣的,下贱的

They took me to a sleazy back-street hotel.(他们把我带到一个后街的肮脏的旅馆。)

7.slimy:a. 1. (似)泥浆的2. 奸诈的,虚伪的

The seaweed felt cold and slimy.(海藻摸起来冷冰冰黏糊糊的。)

8.slink:v. 1. 溜走2. 扭捏招摇地走3. 早产

The cow slinked its calf.(那头母牛早产了一头小牛犊。)

9.slop:v. (使)溢出,(使液体)溅出

I slopped tea in the saucer.(我把茶溅到了茶托里。)

10.slouch:v. 无精打采地坐、立或行动

Several students wereslouching against the wall.(有几个学生没精打采地倚在墙上。)