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1.rouge:n. 胭脂,口红v. 在…上擦口红

Women put rouge on their cheeks to make their faces pretty.(女人往面颊上涂胭脂, 使脸更漂亮。)

2.rouse:v. 1. 唤醒,弄醒2. 激励,激起

I usually rouse at six in the morning.(我通常在早晨6点钟醒来。)

3.rove:v. 1. 漂泊,漫游2.(指眼睛)环顾

My grandfather loved to rove the countryside.(我祖父喜欢到乡下走一走。)

4.rowdy:a. 吵闹的,混乱的

A rowdy group of boys ran through the streets.(一群吵闹的男孩跑过街道。)

5.rudimentary:a. 1. 初步的,基本的2. 未发育成熟的

He has only a rudimentary knowledge of the subject.(他对这一科只有初步的认识。)

6.rue:v. 对(某事物)感到懊悔

He rued the day that he rode the motorcycle because he fell off and broke his leg.(他懊悔那天开摩托车时摔断了腿。)

7.ruffian:n. 无法无天的暴徒

8.ruffle:v. 1. 使变皱2. 滋扰,惹怒

His boss yelled at him and ruffled his feathers.(老板冲他叫嚷, 使他怒不可遏。)

9.rupture:n. 1. 破裂,断裂2. (友好关系的)绝交v. (使)破裂

10.rut:n. 1. 车辙,犁沟2. 生活方式

be stuck/in a rut 刻板而乏味的生活方式  
