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3. 细节题

According to the news, which trading nation in the top 10 has reported a 5 percent fall in exports?
A. The UK. B. The US. C. Japan. D. Germany.

What does the news item say about Richard Nafzger?
A. He is assigned the task to look for the tapes.
B. He believes that the tapes are probably lost.
C. He works in a NASA ground receiving site.
D. He had asked for the tapes in the 1970s.

Which of the following is the main cause of global warming?
A. Fossil fuel.              B. Greenhouse gases.
C. Increased dryness.  D. Violent storm patterns.

The likely cause of the big fi re is .
A. electrical short circuit   B. lack of fi re-safety measurements
C. terrorism                    D. not known

According to the news, what measure did authorities take to fi ght the fi res?
A. Troops were brought in to help the fi refi ghters.
B. Residents were asked to vacate their homes.
C. Air operations and water drops continued overnight.
D. Another six fi re engines joined the fi refi ghting operation.

Drop in remittances from abroad is mainly due to ______.
A. declining oil production
B. the outbreak of the H1N1 fl u
C. the declining GDP in Mexico
D. the economic downturn in the U.S.

In which country would parents often threaten to punish children by leaving them outside?
A. India.                  B. Egypt.
C. The Philippines.    D. Not mentioned.


4. 数字题

According to the WTO, Chinese exports rose last year.
A. 21% B. 10% C. 22% D. 4.73%

According to Kingdom Bank, what is the current infl ation rate in Zimbabwe?
A. 20 million percent. B. 2.2 million percent.
C. 11.2 million percent. D. Over 11.2 million percent.

According to the news item, Japan’s economic growth in the second quarter was ______ less
than the fi rst quarter.
A. 4 percent B. 3 percent
C. 0.6 percent D. 3.4 percent


5. 推断题

The G20 is a(n) organization.
A. international B. European C. regional D. Asian

这篇新闻提到G20的功能与性质,虽然没有直接指出该组织的地域范围,但从 ...the G20 is made up of the European Union and 19 other countries including Australia, Brazil, China, Japan and the U.S.不难推断G20是一个国际型组织。

The news item implies that in the last report.
A. there were fewer studies done   B. there were fewer policy proposals
C. there was less agreement          D. there were fewer objectives

新闻虽未直接评述前一个报告,但从The UN panel released its last climate change report 6 years ago. The scientists say the new report is based on studies done since then and stronger agreement on global warming.这两句话可以推断出在全球变暖这一问题上,新报告的意见比老报告的更统一,因此答案为C。