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      abyss: hole so deep as to appear bottomless

  acquiesce: agree, accept without protest

  affable: polite and friendly, easy to talk to

  affliction: distress, suffering

  affluent: wealthy, abundant

  agitate: move, shake, stir up

  ambiguous: having more then one meaning

  annex: take possession of

  aqueous: of or like water

  arduous: demanding great effort, strenuous

  aroma: quality or surrounding atmosphere considered typical

  atone: make repayment

  avarice: greed

  bellicose: inclined to fighting

  calisthenics: exercises to develop strong bodies

  captor: person who takes sb captive

  concoct: invent, prepare by mixing together

  dangle: hand or swing loosely

  deprive: take away from, prevent from using

  diligent: hard-working

  disrobe: undress

  docile: easily trained or controlled

  doleful: dismal, mournful