smirk v.嘻嘻做笑 [OE sme(a)rcian]
smother v.使透不过气 [ME smorther smugness n.洋洋得意 snappish a.动不动就咬人;粗暴的 [snap 使啪哒;砰然射击;咬住 snappy a.劈拉做响的;精力充沛的 [a ~ worker 工作迅速的人 a ~ dresser 衣着潇洒的人 Make it snappy! =Look snappy!有话快说!赶快!] snare n.陷阱;诱惑;响弦 [OE sneare snarl n.混乱;吠叫;咆哮;纠结 [Don't ~ at me like that别对我那样吼叫 answer with a ~以怒声回答 a traffic ~ 交通混乱 Her hair is ~e]d[ 她的头发缠结在一起 snatch v.抓;夺;匆忙地做;带走 [snap(迅速的)+catch(抓)的缩合 rel to SNACK小吃] sneak v.潜行 [OE snican creep sneaking偷偷逃走的(来的);不争气的;卑鄙的] sneer v.嘲笑 [He ~s at religion他嘲笑宗教 ~ a person down,冷笑而使沉默] snicker n.窃笑 [snick 微微割开;作细刻痕于] sniff v.以鼻吸气;嗤之以鼻 [You shouldn't ~ at that offer你不该对那项提议嗤之以鼻 The dog ~ed at the bone 那只狗呼呼地嗅那 根骨头 snip v.剪 [~ a hole in a sheet of paper 在一张纸上剪个洞 ~ a bud off a stem 从茎部剪下花苞] snoop v.n.偷偷地到处瞧;偷窃 [Du snoepen eat on the sly] soak v.浸;令吃苦头;渗入 [rel to soc sucking at the breast, SUCK(用嘴或管)吸;吸入
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